Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Banana Banana Banana

So our kids love bananas and well they used to eat 2 a day sometimes.  It seams like we needed a bunch of bananas every other day.  We when the kids decide to almost go on complete banana strike out of the blue, all those bananas get rip and to my favorite condition.  BAKING TIME.

Today I have 10 ripe bananas!

First on the list is mini muffins, makes perfect snacks.

So while I have made muffins many time, I tried a new trick today.  This is a time saver and helps keep the mess down, with I had found this years ago.

So when it comes time to put the batter into the muffin tin try using a melon baller


I used the small scoop and it was the perfect size for mini muffins.

I can not wait for these to cool off!  I have been waiting a long time to make some banana bread or muffins but the girls always had the bananas gone long before I would be able to.