Thursday, February 7, 2013

Bath Detox

Well, I must say that I pleased with the bath detox.  While I only stayed in for about 15 mins it really made my skin feel so much better.  I also slept really well that night.  As for feeling all revived the next morning, that didn't really happen.

I think that I am going to try doing this twice a week.  I really do think as I am able to stay in the water longer I will feel much better.

I found this from another blogger (and I can't find the site so I will add it when I do) and I really loved how she listed what each ingredient will do. So here it is....

Detox Bath Recipe:
  • 1/3 C Epsom salts
  • 1/3 C sea salt
  • 1/3 C baking soda
  • 2 1/2 t ground ginger
  • 1 C apple cider vinegar
Combine all of the dry ingredients in a bowl.
Draw a bath with water as hot as you can stand it. As the water is filling the tub, add the bowl of dry ingredients and the vinegar. The flowing water will help mix it, but make sure it is mixed well. (Don’t worry if your water turns yellow or orange, that’s just the ginger and the vinegar.)
Soak in the bath for about 40 minutes and enjoy! If you want to you can rub your skin gently (always towards your heart) to stimulate your lymphatic system and help clear out the toxins.

  • Epsom salts: helps make you sweat, reduces inflammation, relieves muscle aches, found in most bath salts
  • Sea salt: another common bath salt, helps leach out toxins, soothes open sores or blemishes
  • Baking soda: highly alkaline, helps balance an overly acidic system, helps eliminate chlorine in the water, softens water and skin
  • Apple cider vinegar: helps restore the acid-alkaline balance in your body, helpful for acne, softens skin
  • Ginger: increases circulation, opens pores, makes you sweat
Important considerations before taking this bath:
  • This bath and the detox process can be fairly dehydrating so make sure you drink plenty of water during and after the bath.
  • When you’re getting out of the bath you must be careful and move slowly. You may feel weak or light-headed if you stand up too quickly.
  • You will probably feel tired right after, so take this bath at a time when you can go right to bed if you need to.
  • Also, please don’t take hot baths or salt baths if you are pregnant, have heart trouble, high blood pressure, or if you are diabetic. If you’re not sure, talk to your doctor first.
Also: If you start to feel like you are coming down with the flu, don’t freak out. While your body works to detox and flush out the toxins you may feel a bit under the weather for about half a day. It probably means it’s working! Stay hydrated to help your body clear out the toxins and you should feel better pretty quickly.

The day that I did this I drank water all day and while in the bath.  You really do start to sweet and I could feel my face and lips feeling dry.  Next time I will be sure to drink more water.  I think that overall I need to be drinking more water so that is another goal.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Amazing Find at Goodwill

Today the family and I went to goodwill and dropped off some stuff that we were no longer using.  We decided that it would be good to get out and walk around for a bit and look around.  Found a few details but the best was a tag reader for Olivia.  Brand new never used, box still in great condition; a rare find indeed.  Now Olivia will not have to fight Victoria because she has her own special reader pen.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Maybe just maybe this could work!

While the winter months here in the Northwest bring rain and not so pleasant days I can not seam to place all the blame for just being sluggish on the weather.  I am sure some of the weather is a contributing factor, however I think just maybe I need to detox.

I am not setting my hopes too high but I am excited to give this a try tonight.  At least my skin should feel super smooth.

I first saw on pintrest (during the wee hours of the morning when I should be sleeping but am awake because I am so stiff and just uncomfortable.) a bath detox.  Stories how so many women felt so much better the next day.  These women used the same descriptions that I feel myself using when it comes to how I am feeling... tired, foggy, blah, sluggish, exhausted, unable to catch up.

So what is it that a bath detox is going to do.  Well... to get rid of the toxins that are possibly causing some of the issues that I am constantly fighting.

  • Epsom salts: helps make you sweat, reduces inflammation, relieves muscle aches, found in most bath salts
  • Sea salt: another common bath salt, helps leach out toxins, soothes open sores or blemishes
  • Baking soda: highly alkaline, helps balance an overly acidic system, helps eliminate chlorine in the water, softens water and skin
  • Apple cider vinegar: helps restore the acid-alkaline balance in your body, helpful for acne, softens skin
  • Ginger: increases circulation, opens pores, makes you sweat

I will be doing a follow-up post to this one with the results.  I plan on however tonight sleeping like a baby and waking up renewed tomorrow.  If this turns out well I will add the recipe that I am going to use.